Thursday, October 14, 2010

Work Continues in Biga, Inside and Out!

Dear Friends,

First of all let me thank all of you who contributed to my "Birthday Wish" on Facebook Causes. With all of your help my goal of $500 has been long-since surpassed...we're at $660 and counting! Along with about $430 I raised by selling Turkish scarves at local farmer's markets this will more than cover my trip back to Biga for the center's opening ceremony. All extra money will of course go directly to the center.

I also wanted to let you all know that, while work is moving along in Biga, things are taking longer than expected and we are delaying the center opening until this winter. Because I am now on a student's schedule I can only go during my breaks so, as we are going to miss my fall break November 1, I'll have to wait until my winter break in early February. At any rate the center's schedule is certainly not dictated by my own, as soon as the building is finished, the center will be up and running! As I mentioned in my last post, the function of the opening ceremony will be to ganer community support and celebrate local supporters, as well as to bring attention to the great services the center will offer.

Now for some updates!

As usual Ayfer Baykal writes me regular updates with the successes and the challenges of the center. The most recent successes are the following:
  • The outside path, stairs and platform were donated by the Biga municipality.

  • The electrical work was completed.

  • The ceramic tiling in the kitchen and bathrooms was completed.

  • The interior painting was completed

  • Ordinances for connection to public water, natural gas and electricity have been filed.

  • This week, the ceiling will be completed.

However, things have also been moving slowly due to some difficulties with getting local donors to follow through on their promises. The Bikad women had a really promising meeting with the Biga Chamber of Commerce and Industry, however, and are expecting some great support to come out of that relationship. They have promised their concrete financial support and a follow-up meeting on that front will happen this week.

Please feel free to email me with question and comments about the project...I love hearing from you and sharing this wonderful journey with the people who made it happen.

all my best,


1. Putting on a fresh coat of paint inside the center:

2. The finished tile floor:

3. More painters at work:

4. Working on the center steps:
5. The completed front walk-way and steps:
6. The Bikad women exploring the space with the workmen:
