Monday, August 16, 2010

Our Center in the News!

Hello friends!

As I head into my last week here in Biga, I wanted to share with you the following links to see what local papers are reporting on the new center-in-progress:

This week we are planning a "Garden Day" where our team of workers from the municipality will be joined by the women of Bikad and Biga mayor Mehmet Özkan to beautify the surrounding area. A local florist is donating all of the flowers and trees to go around the center, and the municipality is donating soil.

Here is a picture from our meeting at the Biga Belediye today:

(L-R, Ayfer Baykal, Biga Mayor Mehmet Özkan, and me)

It is also worth mentioning that these great people are all working hard while fasting for Ramazan in extreme heat. Allah kabul etsin!

All my best,

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations. The news is great, information is invaluable and I must say, seeing Ataturk's picture on the wall made this view much more inspirational. Thank you.
